How Much is Too Much Biotin?
How much better is a manicure and a blowout when you have smooth, unbreakable nails and split-end free hair to work with? You can potentially thank biotin for that. If you’ve looked at hair and nail supplements, you’ve probably seen biotin, a key B-vitamin, as the universal ingredient. But can it actually nourish your hair […]
No Chance of Too Much Biotin
Biotin plays a role in building the protein that helps regrow healthy hair, which is why it has become such a popular hair and nail supplement. Biotin (aka B7) is one of the many water-soluble B-vitamins that are necessary for your body to function. Its main role in the body is as an important cofactor […]
Why Are Supplements Important?
People may think that they’re getting all the nutrition they need by eating a rainbow diet of healthy foods but there are reasons why, no matter how healthy you eat, you’re still not getting the nutrients you need. 90% of people don't get the recommended amount of important nutrients from food alone. Most of us […]
Some Facts About Biotin Deficiency
Biotin is a B vitamin also known as vitamin H or B-7. Biotin helps convert carbohydrates into glucose, which the body uses for energy. It also helps the body process fats and protein, and the nervous system to function. B complex vitamins are needed for healthy skin, hair, eyes, and for liver functioning. Biotin is […]
Biotin – The Smart Choice in Supplements
Biotin plays a major role in helping the human body convert food into usable energy (also referred to as vitamin H and B7). This B complex vitamin is plentiful in a wide range of foods including nuts, legumes, cauliflower, whole grains, mushrooms, eggs, oysters, and organ meats. Though biotin is present in a number of […]