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What Is Biotin?

Biotin, also known as Vitamin B7 or Vitamin H, is a water soluble vitamin that’s part of the vitamin B complex. This complex helps your body convert food into energy and is a critical nutrient for producing fuel and cells for your body.

Biotin acts as a coenzyme in the body and plays an important role in cell growth and the metabolism of fats, amino acids and glucose. This means that when we eat foods that are sources of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, Vitamin B7 (Biotin) must be present in order to covert and use these nutrients for bodily energy which allows you to carry out physical activities and for proper psychological functions.

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Why Biotin Is So Good For You

The Benefits Of Biotin

Biotin also involves itself in helping us keep a young, attractive appearance since it plays a major role in maintaining the health of our hair, nails and skin.

Biotin is commonly added to hair and skin beauty products, although it’s believed to not be absorbed very well through the skin and actually must be ingested to be fully beneficial e.g. through pills and other means of supplements.

Although, food-processing techniques like cooking can render biotinin effective, raw or less-processed versions of these foods contain more active biotin.

See How It Affects Your Body

The Physical Impact Of Biotin

Biotin is an essential nutrient for the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and protein. It is a coenzyme for carboxylase enzymes, which are involved in the synthesis of fatty acids, isoleucine and amino acids, and in gluconeogenesis. It also plays a r ole in many parts of your body which are listed below.


The benefits of biotin may possibly help with a healthy pregnancy. Mild biotin deficiency is often seen during pregnancy and poses a risk to abnormal development of the fetus

Hair and Nails

Biotin has shown already to help improve the strength and durability of nails while also strengthening your hair. Biotin deficiency will cause hair loss which is why a number of hair care companies are now including biotin directly into their products.

Blood Glucose (for diabetics)

Biotin can also lower blood glucose n both type 1 and type 2 diabetics. It may also help reduce the risk of nerve damage in people with diabetes.

Healthy Skin

If you have a biotin deficiency then it could lead to a variety of skin problems including rashes, acne, psoriasis, dermatitis and overall itchiness. B7 Biotin plays an important role in the function of the nervous system and hormone function which is why being deficient in biotin can in turn play a significant role in skin health.


Biotin works as a coenzyme in the metabolic function which helps break down food, including carbohydrates, fats and protein. This reaction is further accelerated when biotin is paired with chromium picolinate which then increases your metabolism rate when you rest and breaks down food faster when consuming biotin.

Should I take it?

That’s up to you. Biotin is treated as a supplement and not a drug but since it’s found in most foods and you’ve already consumed daily requirements, there’s nothing to worry about except for pregnancy. It’s best to check with your doctor to determine whether you should take Biotin or not and if so, at what dosage.

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